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Introductory Linear Algebra

Iqra A

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This series ended on August 2, 2022. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Linear algebra began as the study of linear systems of equations. Currently, linear systems remain of great importance, in part due to their relative simplicity. For true mastery in any field, from physics to computer science, an understanding of linear algebra is fundamental. One might even argue that linear algebra and its applications are even more important than those of calculus in today's world. This course provides an introduction to linear algebra from a concrete point of view. We emphasize understanding through intuitive exposition and plenty of examples and applications. Whilst we will need to understand theory, we will focus on the concrete setting of Euclidean space and relegate more abstract ideas such as general vector spaces to a second course. Co-taught with SHW tutor @Yu Heng L, who also developed the series idea, overview, and outline! PREREQUISITES High school Algebra I and II are required. Pre-calculus, trigonometry, and calculus are not necessary. SYLLABUS 1. Linear Systems (~5 sessions) 2. Matrices (~3 sessions) 3. Determinants (~2 sessions) 4. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (~4 sessions)


Please do your best to show up to all sessions, as all covered concepts build on each other. If possible, let the instructor(s) know ahead of time if you must miss a day so they can help you catch up in a timely manner.


June 21 - August 2


30 / 40

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I'm a college freshman majoring in neuroscience, with academic interests in biology, chemistry, and the humanities. In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, and ranting about the French Revolution!

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