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SAT Bootcamp • Series

SAT Math: Content, Strategy, & Tricks

Rachel Z

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on June 24, 2022. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Welcome! Throughout this session, we'll dive into the math knowledge needed to succeed on the SAT, as well as testing strategy, tricks, and more.

This four-week tutoring series will help you prepare for your upcoming SAT in Math. By the end of the series, you will have completed multiple practice tests and worked through a number of problems from previous SATs, helping you build confidence for your upcoming exam. You’ll spend each session with me and a small group of other learners who are also working towards taking the SAT. Since it’s a small group, you can expect sessions to be very interactive as you work together towards improving your SAT skills as much as you can! Note: Cameras should be on so we can all get to know each other! If you have a specific reason why you can’t have your camera on, please notify me ahead of time.


I encourage you all to attend every session-- if you cannot make it, please let me know in advance!


June 20 - June 24


3 / 10

SAT Score Range

600 - 800

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I'm excited to be a tutor here!

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Past Sessions


Session 1

SAT Math

"Orientation" (really just a quick overview of what we'll be doing & how we'll be doing it), and then we'll move on to content. This session will focus on Heart of Algebra. The session will involve content review, practice problems, tips & tricks, and time for you to ask questions.

Session 2

SAT Math

During Session 2, we'll explore content & practice problems related to "Passport to Advanced Mathematics" (nonlinear equations & functions, systems of equations, etc.). The session will involve content review, practice problems, tips & tricks, and as always, time for you to ask questions.

Session 3

SAT Math

We'll focus on "Problem Solving and Data Analysis" content & problems. In particular, ratios/rates/proportions, graphs, and statistics-related problems. The session will involve content review, practice problems, tips & tricks, and as always, time for you to ask questions.

Session 4

SAT Math

We'll explore "Additional Topics in Math"-- specifically, geometry & trigonometry you might encounter on the SAT. In the second part of the session, we'll also focus on speed with accuracy by practicing speed rounds & using calculators. The session will involve content review, practice problems, tips & tricks, and as always, time for you to ask questions.

Session 5

SAT Math

Last session! We'll be doing a comprehensive review of the week's lessons, as well as focusing on tips & tricks to use during testing and reviewing any topics/problems you want to reinforce. We'll work on the Calc section by exploring all of the different functions on our calculators & timing by running speed rounds of completing sets of SAT Math problems too.

Public Discussion

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