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Enrichment Series


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Join a series to learn, practice, and study Enrichment regularly with other learners like you.

🙈🎶 Productive and Fun Study Space 🎶🙈


Welcome to the productive and fun study space! We will be helping each other stay on track and focus on our productive things, whether that is studying or cleaning your room! We will be using the 25/5 pomodoro method for 2 hours, which is 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break, and these will happen 4 times! During break time, we will play New York Times games, such as Wordle, Connections, and Spelling Bee! After our session, we will do a song of the day! I will take recommendations :)

Avery K


Rediscover Design! Figma, 3D on Spline and Product/Web Design


This is a full creative series in which we'll explore, have fun, and most importantly, unleash our creativity by learning the foundations of design in all it means with the aim to create your own portfolio. First, let's get to know the basics: Canva, templates used in design, and learn to compare the difference from copy and change to creating your own style. (3 sessions max) (I'll create an extra-specific series for all of this if needed.) Second, now that we know the foundations, we'll go deeper (dive deep!) It's time to create from zero. We'll start with figma and prototypes, web app and website design. All you need to know to get started in this world of design for digital spaces. (5 sessions) and intro to rive + other tools We'll explore product design and how it can be used in your own day by day, the experience you get from it and how companies use it to sell their products, target market and what they look for in a marketing campaign. product+industrial design (7 sessions not in order) Last but not least, Take your time to create your portfolio and live the essence of being a creator, artist and maker. (3 sessions) RESOURCES: Tony Fadell's book: 'Create' Paul Rand portfolio and story cases Behance showcase portfolios and analysis of product design + Dribble

Siom P


Enrichment Sessions


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Register for a session to review specific Enrichment topics with a small group of learners.

Enrichment · session

Free Speech vs Hate Speech Dialogue

Topic: In this conversation, you will explore whether or not the freedom of speech should include the right to engage in hate speech. Exchange perspectives with another student from around the world to learn how other countries approach freedom of speech and hate speech. Explore questions like: What are the limits of freedom of speech? Is freedom of speech at risk today? How can we promote free speech and inclusion?

How it will work: At the start of the session, the session leader will go over some ground rules for the discussion, then all participants will be matched with a conversation partner. Everyone will switch to a new Zoom link to participate in their breakout discussion with their partner. You and your partner can discuss for as long as you like!

Next Steps: You will receive an email the day before your event with some session reminders. There is no preparation necessary for this session but you are welcome to review this discussion guide prior to the event. You and your discussion partner should use this guide help facilitate your conversation.

Post-Event Survey: Please make sure to complete the post-event survey when you finish the conversation so you can receive credit for your participation.

Kelly M


Enrichment · session

Immigration Dialogue

Dialogue, not Debate: Participate in a 1-on-1 dialogue with another student from around the world to exchange ideas and cultural perspectives on important global topics. Participate in 3+ Dialogues and you can receive a Dialogue portfolio to submit with college applications.

Topic: No preparation necessary. Use this discussion guide to help facilitate your conversation.

In this conversation, you will exchange perspectives with another student from around the world about immigration. You will gain interesting insights into how immigration differs from country to country and how people’s personal backgrounds influence their views. You will explore questions like: How can immigration support national unity? What are the economic benefits and what are the economic downsides of immigration? And do countries have a moral obligation to help refugees?

How it will work: At the start of the session, the session leader will go over some ground rules for the discussion, then all participants will be matched with a conversation partner. Everyone will switch to a new Zoom link to participate in their breakout discussion with their partner. You and your partner can discuss for as long as you like!

Next Steps: You will receive an email the day before your event with some session reminders. There is no preparation necessary for this session but you are welcome to review this discussion guide prior to the event. You and your discussion partner should use this guide help facilitate your conversation.

Post-Event Survey: Please make sure to complete the post-event survey when you finish the conversation so you can receive credit for your participation.

Kelly M


Enrichment · session

The Role of Government Dialogue

Dialogue, not Debate: Participate in a 1-on-1 dialogue with another student from around the world to exchange ideas and cultural perspectives on important global topics. Participate in 3+ Dialogues and you can receive a Dialogue portfolio to submit with college applications.

No preparation necessary. Use this discussion guide to help facilitate your conversation.

In this conversation, you will exchange perspectives with another student from around the world about the proper role of government. You will learn about how governments differ across countries and how people’s core values influence their views on government. You will discuss questions like: What obligations does a government have to its citizens? How can we know when a government has abused its power? What role should the government play in the economy, in addressing social issues, and with foreign intervention?

How it will work: At the start of the session, the session leader will go over some ground rules for the discussion, then all participants will be matched with a conversation partner. Everyone will switch to a new Zoom link to participate in their breakout discussion with their partner. You and your partner can discuss for as long as you like!

Next Steps: You will receive an email the day before your event with some session reminders. There is no preparation necessary for this session but you are welcome to review this discussion guide prior to the event. You and your discussion partner should use this guide help facilitate your conversation.

Post-Event Survey: Please make sure to complete the post-event survey when you finish the conversation so you can receive credit for your participation.

Kelly M and 2 others


Enrichment · session

Holidays across Cultures Dialogue

Dialogue, not Debate: Participate in a 1-on-1 dialogue with another student from around the world to exchange ideas and cultural perspectives on important global topics. Participate in 3+ Dialogues and you can receive a Dialogue portfolio to submit with college applications.

Topic: No preparation necessary. Use this discussion guide to help facilitate your conversation.

In this conversation, you will exchange perspectives with another student from around the world about holiday traditions in their culture. This will be an opportunity to learn about how people’s religious, national, ethnic, and family backgrounds influence their approach to holidays. You will discuss your favorite holidays, the cultural differences between holidays around the world, which values are important within your holiday traditions, and which cultures or holidays you would like to learn more about.

How it will work: At the start of the session, the session leader will go over some ground rules for the discussion, then all participants will be matched with a conversation partner. Everyone will switch to a new Zoom link to participate in their breakout discussion with their partner. You and your partner can discuss for as long as you like!

Next Steps: You will receive an email the day before your event with some session reminders. There is no preparation necessary for this session but you are welcome to review this discussion guide prior to the event. You and your discussion partner should use this guide help facilitate your conversation.

Post-Event Survey: Please make sure to complete the post-event survey when you finish the conversation so you can receive credit for your participation.

Kelly M and 2 others


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