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Calculus • Series

An Experiment - Covering Single-Variate Calculus

Shadman S

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series was cancelled by the tutor on September 5, 2023. We're very sorry–you can explore more Calculus series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


We will cover every topic normally covered in AP Calculus BC, and some more topics if there is enough demand. The catch? I don't plan to do this bound to any standardized curriculum. This can be as intensive or as light as learners want; I plan to try teaching this way to a small group of people, and then try this on a broader scale. There will be no lesson plan for most sessions; I will try to be as flexible as possible and questions, while they will be prepared before the class, will be fit according to whichever topic I happen to be talking about, written by me for the class (though questions from other sources can inspire my questions). Seeing as this will be in a summer, the series will be a little fast-paced; for this reason, I recommend having a very good base in math topics covered before calculus, such as geometry and algebra, before joining this series as a learner. Despite the lack of a concrete base curriculum, I will have a set order in which I plan to teach things, that is to say there will be an always flexible syllabus keeping track of our progress. There will be weekly assessments, but they are purely for you to see your own progress. I hope that you will all enjoy this series! Link to syllabus sheet:


You must attend every session, unless you give me 24 hours prior notice with valid reason. After either two absences in a row or three total absences, whichever comes first, a learner may be withdrawn from the series. Office hours will be offered for those who have missed my primary sessions; if you missed a certain session, showing up to the weekly office hours session that week, even if you did not given me 24 hours advance notice, will absolve you of any unexcused absences that week, so long as you spend your time wisely in the office hours.


June 29 - September 4


5 / 5

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

Hey there! I'm a current undergraduate freshman at Stony Brook University, and I love the STEM fields most out of all my subjects in school! With that being said, though I tutor mostly competitive math nowadays, I also tutor high school math and science. I also join many sessions on Schoolhouse, because there are so many things to learn and enjoy in Schoolhouse - though I haven't joined many series recently, I had a lot of fun in Taeho's Korean Camp last summer! Outside of Schoolhouse, I love to play basketball and Pokemon.

View Shadman S's Profile

Upcoming Sessions


Past Sessions


Session 1


Let's see each other for the first time! I'll introduce myself, and I hope each of you will introduce yourselves - we will get to know each other over a summer, so what's better than starting off on the right note? We'll go over the (tentative) syllabus as well as the expectations I have for all of you. In this session, we will also decide some things together: what time works best for all of us? Which days of the week should I hold sessions? How much homework, if any, should I give? If time permits, the remaining portion of the session will be spent talking about some beginning concepts of calculus.

Session 2


Let's see each other for the first time! I'll introduce myself, and I hope each of you will introduce yourselves - we will get to know each other over a summer, so what's better than starting off on the right note? We'll go over the (tentative) syllabus as well as the expectations I have for all of you. In this session, we will also decide some things together: what time works best for all of us? Which days of the week should I hold sessions? How much homework, if any, should I give? If time permits, the remaining portion of the session will be spent talking about some beginning concepts of calculus.

Session 3

General Calculus Q&A

Today, instead of starting right away with some calculus topic, I want to set forth some questions we can solve without calculus, but point heavily in the direction of calculus. Nothing better than a motivating session to officially start our series!

Session 4

Limits and continuity

Let's try to hit limits today! Of course, not without considering some fundamental properties of functions: continuity, "differentiability" (without outright mentioning derivatives). We will also classify broad types of functions (rational, polynomial, exponential) as continuous/differentiable. First of our free-style lessons!

Session 5

Limits and continuity

First, we'll go through some algebraic and trigonometric limit solving techniques! Then, we will cover the squeeze theorem in depth and show two important trigonometric limits that might otherwise be difficult to compute.

Session 6

Limits and continuity

If we didn't do it last time, we'll prove the trigonometric limits in this session. Then, we will do more difficult limits, and finally we'll talk about the definition of a limit!

Session 7

Limits and continuity

I will talk about the definition of a limit! This includes an introduction to quantifiers in first order logic, some intuitive motivation for how to define a limit, and how to speak the motivation into math language. I will also try some easier limit proofs with you guys!

Session 8

Limits and continuity

I will talk about the definition of a limit! This includes an introduction to quantifiers in first order logic, some intuitive motivation for how to define a limit, and how to speak the motivation into math language. I will also try some easier limit proofs with you guys!

Session 9

Limits and continuity

After some rigorous limit proofs, we'll talk one last time about continuity and differentiability. This time, we'll talk about what differentiability really means - and how it implies continuity. We will also talk about orders of continuity and differentiability as a fun little end to this unit.

Session 10

Office Hours

First office hours! All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 11

Office Hours

First office hours! All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 12

Limits and continuity

After some rigorous limit proofs, we'll talk one last time about continuity and differentiability. This time, we'll talk about what differentiability really means - and how it implies continuity. We will also talk about orders of continuity and differentiability as a fun little end to this unit.

Session 13

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

We will officially talk about the definition of a derivative! Motivation included in this session, as well as the rules of differentiation as an operator (more on that later)!

Session 14

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

We will try differentiation of basic polynomials and rationals in this function and try to define the power rule by ourselves. For now, we will assume the real number case: our definition will be best used for the rational case.

Session 15

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

We will try differentiation of basic polynomials and rationals in this function and try to define the power rule by ourselves. For now, we will assume the real number case: our definition will be best used for the rational case.

Session 16

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 17

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 18

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

In this session, we will prove the trig derivatives, then we will prove the product and quotient rules. We will also start mentioning antiderivatives more - in that we need to talk about how to reverse all the derivatives we've been doing.

Session 19

Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules

In this session, we will prove the trig derivatives, then we will prove the product and quotient rules. We will also start mentioning antiderivatives more - in that we need to talk about how to reverse all the derivatives we've been doing.

Session 20

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 21

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

We bring back the limit definition of e - and use it to differentiate natural log and exponential functions. Then we will begin a proof of the chain rule (rigorous!).

Session 22

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

We bring back the limit definition of e - and use it to differentiate natural log and exponential functions. Then we will begin a proof of the chain rule (rigorous!).

Session 23

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

Chain rule proof part 2! (sorry, this proof is both important and long...). In any case, we will be finished with the chain rule by the halfway point of this session. After that, we will go back to trig derivatives, but now targeting all six functions, using our new derivative rules!

Session 24

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

Today, we will first review the differentiation techniques we just learned. Then, we will begin to cover implicit differentiation - which is, really, even more review + some algebra! (I think this will be a very good session.)

Session 25

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 26

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 27

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 28

Office Hours

All questions, on homework, classwork, or just any topic in single variable calculus, are welcome!

Session 29

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

This is where we need to touch bases on what we've learned so far! We will review all the derivatives and antiderivatives we've memorized so far, and practice some implicit differentiation questions (the only truly comprehensive differentiation questions). We will learn to differentiate inverse functions, but nothing else new!

Session 30

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

This is where we need to touch bases on what we've learned so far! We will review all the derivatives and antiderivatives we've memorized so far, and practice some implicit differentiation questions (the only truly comprehensive differentiation questions). We will learn to differentiate inverse functions, but nothing else new!

Session 31

Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions

This is where we need to touch bases on what we've learned so far! We will review all the derivatives and antiderivatives we've memorized so far, and practice some implicit differentiation questions (the only truly comprehensive differentiation questions). We will learn to differentiate inverse functions, but nothing else new! (Note: I will start referring to anti-differentiation as "integration", but I mean anti-differentiation. While they may appear similar, their definitions are fundamentally different.)

Public Discussion

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