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Enrichment • Series

Calculus III Introduction and Walkthrough

Urjit A

Series Details


Public Discussion

This series ended on August 6, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.

Series Details


Calculus III(Multivariable Calculus) is the study of calculus put into three dimensions. It is used in many places such as physics, math, etc. Each time we meet, we will cover a Calculus III unit and the basics of it. There will also be multiple resources to help you as we learn. Note: You are expected to know Calculus before you start this unit. If you do NOT know Calculus, this course will not benefit you at all. So please make sure you take this course knowing Calculus, otherwise you will struggle. This is more of a walkthrough class, rather than a main class. This more to show you what's in Calculus 3 rather than Calculus 3 itself

Tutor Qualifications

I took this class in my junior year of high school and it was a great experience!


Since this is a pretty big, vital, and hard class, each component is important to learn.

As such, you have one strike for attendance.

If you can't make it in a session, message me in advance.

If you do NOT come to a session without letting me know in advance, I will contact you and ask why you didn't come. If you do not respond with an appropriate reason in 3 days, I will have to withdraw you from the series.


July 16 - August 6


20 / 50

Total Sessions


About the Tutor

I am a senior in high school. I like to study math and computer science and I hope to spread that knowledge to others.

View Urjit A's Profile

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