Inspired by gamification techniques on other platforms, we launched points and badges to reward our community for their commitment to learning and motivate them to continue making Schoolhouse what it is today.
You can now get Schoolhouse Points (SP) for taking actions on the platform: attending sessions, giving tutors feedback, completing certifications, tutoring sessions, and more. You’ll also receive badges for achievements such as attending 25 sessions or referring 5 friends. Check out the "Achievements" section of your profile to see them in action!
How do I gain SP?
Since SP and badges are a fun way to reward our community for their commitment to learning and tutoring, you’ll be rewarded with SP every time you complete important actions on our platform!
Here’s a breakdown of how many points you can earn from doing certain actions:
General Actions
Action | Point Value |
Join Schoolhouse | 5 SP |
Give Session Feedback | Up to 4 SP |
Give Post Feedback | Up to 2 SP |
Attend a Session | 1 SP |
Tutor-Specific Actions
Action | Point Value |
Course Challenge Certification Approved | 50 SP |
Complete a Tutor Training | 10 SP |
Unit Test Certification Approved | 10 SP |
Host a Session | 4 SP |
Peer Review a Session / Audit a Session | 4 SP |
Resolve a Coach Escalation (coach only) | 4 SP |
Verify a Peer Reviewer's Level (coach only) | 4 SP |
Co-Host a Session | 3 SP |
Receive a Super Helpful Rating | 2 SP |
Review a Certification Request | 2 SP |
Receive a Helpful Rating | 1 SP |
Give Learner Feedback | 1 SP |
The best part? There's no limit to how many times you can receive points per action! For instance, if you successfully attend 500 sessions (as in, actually joining the Zoom call), you’ll receive 500 points.
How do I get Badges?
Badges are rewards for achievements based on certain milestones. They work alongside points; for example, if you attend 25 sessions you’ll receive an “Out of This World” badge on top of receiving 25 SP as normal! Please note that you can only get each badge one time.
Here’s a precise breakdown of which achievements yield which badges:
Schoolhouse Points
Badge | Achievement |
Bronze Level | Get 500 SP |
Silver Level | Get 1,000 SP |
Gold Level | Get 2,500 SP |
Platinum Level | Get 5,000 SP |
Diamond Level | Get 10,000 SP |
Special Badges
Badge | Achievement |
Volunteer Team Badge | Member of an Official Volunteer Team |
Camp Counselor Badge | Tutor for Summer Camp '23, '24, etc |
Attended Sessions
Badge | Achievement |
New Kid in Class | Attend 1 session |
Explorer | Attend 5 sessions |
Voyager | Attend 10 sessions |
Out of This World | Attend 25 sessions |
Star Student | Attend 50 sessions |
Intergalactic | Attend 100 sessions |
Life, the Universe, and Everything | Attend 200 sessions |
Certifications Completed
Badge | Achievement |
Show Your Stuff | Get 1 certification |
Thinker | Get 5 certifications |
Whiz Kid | Get 10 certifications |
Scholar | Get 25 certifications |
Sage | Get 50 certifications |
Big Brain | Get 100 certifications |
Tutored Sessions
Badge | Achievement |
Red Delicious | Host 1 session |
Granny Smith | Host 5 sessions |
Honey Crisp | Host 10 sessions |
Fuji | Host 25 sessions |
Pink Lady | Host 50 sessions |
Cosmic Crisp | Host 100 sessions |
Golden Delicious | Host 200 sessions |
Tutored Sessions
Badge | Achievement |
Feeling Friendly | Refer 1 friend |
Best Buddies | Refer 5 friends |
Social Butterfly | Refer 10 friends |
Squad Goals | Refer 25 friends |
Popular Kid | Refer 50 friends |
Schoolhouse Celebrity | Refer 100 friends |
The best part? You can check your progress for all of these badges on your profile by clicking on "Achievements".